


$ kitchen help converge                                                                                                                  
  kitchen converge [INSTANCE|REGEXP|all]

  -c, [--concurrency=N]              # Run a converge against all matching instances concurrently. Only N instances will run at the same time if a number is given. 
  -p, [--parallel], [--no-parallel]  # [Future DEPRECATION, use --concurrency] Run a converge against all matching instances concurrently. 
  -l, [--log-level=LOG_LEVEL]        # Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)

  The instance states are in order: destroy, create, converge, setup, verify, destroy. Change one or more instances from the current state to the converge 
  state. Actions for all intermediate states will be executed. See http://kitchen.ci for further explanation.


# kitchen converge -c 2 -p                                                                                                    
-----> Starting Kitchen (v1.2.2.dev)
-----> Converging <centos5-32-base-centos>...
       Preparing files for transfer
       Resolving cookbook dependencies with Berkshelf 3.1.3...
-----> Converging <centos5-64-base-centos>...
       Preparing files for transfer
       Resolving cookbook dependencies with Berkshelf 3.1.3...
       Removing non-cookbook files before transfer
       Preparing data bags
       Preparing environments
       Preparing nodes
       Preparing roles
-----> Installing Chef Omnibus (11.16.4)
       downloading https://www.getchef.com/chef/install.sh
         to file /tmp/install.sh
       trying wget...
       trying curl...
       curl: (51) SSL: certificate subject name '*.chef.io' does not match target host name 'www.getchef.com'
       trying perl...
       A URI can't be a ARRAY reference at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/LWP/Simple.pm line 94
       trying python...
       Downloading Chef 11.16.4 for el...
       downloading https://www.chef.io/chef/metadata?v=11.16.4&prerelease=false&nightlies=false&p=el&pv=5&m=i686
         to file /tmp/install.sh.4791/metadata.txt
       trying wget...
       url      https://opscode-omnibus-packages.s3.amazonaws.com/el/5/i686/chef-11.16.4-1.el5.i686.rpm
       md5      b83a4dd153f65ef771af50f082951cae
       sha256   733508a72f16d998d6713a72b514e439f473fb1da5a7593b7c340a0c09cad4ef
       downloaded metadata file looks valid...
       downloading https://opscode-omnibus-packages.s3.amazonaws.com/el/5/i686/chef-11.16.4-1.el5.i686.rpm
         to file /tmp/install.sh.4791/chef-11.16.4-1.el5.i686.rpm
       trying wget...
       Removing non-cookbook files before transfer
       Preparing data bags
       Preparing environments
       Preparing nodes
       Preparing roles
-----> Installing Chef Omnibus (11.16.4)
       downloading https://www.getchef.com/chef/install.sh

